miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008


We are nationalist revolutionaries Cambas and our prayer is to tell God:

"Lord give us strength to get up every day and deal tirelessly in the forge of the libertarian struggle of the" Fatherland Camba "and concedénos grace Lord almighty, to deal with fortitude combat, exile or persecution colonial Bolivian."
Subcmte. Samou = Toborochi.

"Fighters Free Cambas" Amazonian and Rioplatenses displaced throughout our territory Fatherland, which in this work out by the history we leave traces of the "Fatherland Camba" with the indelible mark of our blood, we must continue to teach our children and educating our people with training doctrinaire nationalist Camba, claiming the fight autonomic and massive mobilization of the population Camba as a first step in the actions of our army organized libertarian.

And the "Fighters Cambas" enlisted in Europe and Africa (Basque Country, Catalunhia, lion and Asturias, Pueblo Saharaui, Canary Islands) with their dignity smash daily frontier confinement, and elevate their thoughts and beliefs above the clouds , are the builders live nationality Camba, however, and despite everything, dream and fighting for a "Homeland Camba, free, sovereign and independent".

Without Fighters Free Cambas organized in the "EGLC" inside and outside the territory Camba simply nationalist history Camba not exist, which is why our pride, our dignity why.

Men and women remain free UNIOS, always confronting the colonial state Altiplano of Bolivia, which, like mummies, they want to condemn their own historical fatalism, pretending to make us believe that ignorance inevitably be imposed on the people's yearning for freedom Camba

Until our independence!
Homeland or Death!

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