From always Cambas are a distinct population of Collas. The prehistoric evidence, which were probably the ancestors of the Cambas, are numerous in several caves and archaeological sites found in the region; Roman historians and geographers Greeks recorded its existence since 7a.c. Under the name chane, Guarani, wennhayek, siriono, Moxenos, etc..
The Kaaimbas appointing themselves Cambas and called their land "Iyambae" are about two and a half million people spread over four departments of the Nation of Plain. Altogether, the land on which sit the Cambas is divided into four departments and their respective provinces.
Nationalism Camba, originated largely as a response to the wave of migration that occurred in the decade of 1950 and 1960 the effect of the plan Bohan progress toward the east driven pòr colonialism Bolivians, but was also the result of a lack of vision to modernize the oligarchies Colla altoperuanas.
Indeed, not investing in communications networks to allow cultural exchanges between peoples, missing links of solidarity between the Bolivian population. In the Camba Nation this phenomenon owes most of its symbols and values "Andres Ibanez, and Carlos Valverde Barbery he made his first political program, devised their name, defined its geographical extent, the political organization founded (MFD), drew his flag. After From 1952 the Cambas lived in a climate of repression both physically and symbolically, the Bolivian state that banned the use of names in Guarani as symptomatic of ethnic separatism.
Nationalist Movement Party Camba At the end of the years 2004 (In Leon-France) as a result of depletion of the Bolivian state and economic problems affecting the country, the question arises "Camba Nationalist Party" led by students and professionals Cambas exiles in Europe, as a response a new dynamic nationalist opposition, known as the "Nationalist Party Camba."
Paradoxically, the foundation PNC occurred after the split of the Bolivian state.
At first the group formed in León- France and Spain with affiliates in, and then return to Bolivia and take; armed violence as a method of protest is planned as a national movement in camba territory, thereby accelerating the demise of the Bolivian state because Fighters Cambas, have begun a massive indoctrination of youth from the countryside and the city, which is reflected today after the completion of three town meetings with more than one million people.
The government of Evo Morales condition is causing more and incentive of violence Camba, because the persistent nature of its existence and growth is due to a situation of national oppression and discrimination to which put the ruler Colla.
The Fighters Cambas, very specifically in practice lead to the desired objectives of nationality Camba, namely ending the occupation of the Territory camba by the colonial state Colla, and create the Republic Camba. In summary, the "Fighters Cambas" believe that violence today, tomorrow leads to self-determination of the "Fatherland Camba," and a longer period for the independence of our country Camba.
The ultimate aim will be the achievement, through a coordinated strategy, our Camba Nationalist Party, which gives meaning to the contents independence of the organization.
Fighters Cambas Free-Strategy
The armed struggle of CCL has a strategy own self (ie they do not need to go a stage guerrilla and / or insurrecional), which is characterized by three features:
The absolute secrecy of the armed group, the lack of§ active support by sectors of the population, the priority of the symbolic effects on the strictly military.
For a better understanding of its§ methodology listaré then the seven strategic functions of the violent action of FTC:
I Function espectacular-Didáctica
Develops the symbolic message of the shares terroristicas
II. Role of radicalization
Tries to emphasize the armed struggle to the public, to expose the
oppressive nature of the State
III. Function antilegitimadora
Attempts to create doubts in society about the vulnerability of the State
IV. Function frightening
Emphasizes the set (or discriminated) of victims, generating fear among certain groups or segments of society
V. Mobilizing Function
Causing fear among certain social groups, seeks support among others, thus armed struggle operates as a system of awareness
VI. Compensating Function
Those groups or sectors that are neutral, in exchange for not attack, may favor (or support) the objectives of FTC
VII. International Role
Armed action want to destabilize the status quo 'international' The strategic approach FTC is divided into two eras:
• From 2007 to 2010, the Revolutionary War; • From 2010 to 2020 Cosolidadcion de la Republica Camba The Revolutionary War is a stage of military confrontation albeit in a limited sense, because the strategy of the FTC does not correspond with the conventional strategy guerrillas. The spiral acción-represión intends to launch a series of political and social reactions through armed struggle, causing the desligimitación State Bolivia.
Done that definitely consolidate the Republic Camba as a nation emerging in the comity of nations in the world.
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