By: Subcmte. Samou
The will of the people, makes the right, and legitimaza laws, therein lies the secret of the fundamental political principle of the Peoples of Eastern Bolivia, glutinados in the "Homeland Camba" ... We can summarize this determination as follows:
• Self-determination of all peoples belonging to the departments of Pando, Beni, Santa Cruz, Prov. Luis Calvo of Chuquisaca, Tarija and southern Potosi.
• The full sovereignty of the people to decide their future. That is, are the cambas, Creole, Mestizo, indigenous Chaqueños, Besiros, Guarani, Wehennayek, Employers, Workers and Peasants, are the ones who should decide the degree of sovereignty to be exercised.
• Are the peoples of the lowlands, which is not! We want to continue to Bolivia partners, we want to form independent and in a free state (Our Homeland camba).
• No constitutionality worth in Bolivia, if it does not come from the free will of the people, expressed in the will of its civic organizations.
• The right to autoderminacion fit in the Bolivian constitution, which is why we must make urgent disappear, because the laws must be adapted to the reality, not the reality of the law.
The Guerrilla Liberation Army Camba and "Fighters Cambas Free" we are faithful to these principles indispensable servers of the "Fatherland Camba" and we formed by will of the people, the political arm - armed created to counter, and unionism fachista headed brabucón Collas Altoperuanos by pseudo leaders of the colonial Bolivia
¡¡Until our Independence!
We sacrifice, fight and Venceremos!
"Fighters Cambas Free"
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